Frequently Asked Questions?
Will the wipes damage my hands?
No. They are 100% non-irritant on hands – dermatologically tested & approved, plus they contain no less than 4 cosmetic ingredients to protect the skin; Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, glycerine and Lanolin. The formulation was designed to be tough on dirt but gentle on hands.
Will the wipes remove dried paint?
Yes. Up to a maximum of 24 hours. Simply fold up a wipe, place it on the paint, leave for a few minutes for the solution to soften the paint and then wipe away.
Will the wipes remove all types of paint?
Yes, pretty much all types including both oil (gloss paint as your sample tin) and water based paints (emulsions) and even tough paints when still wet, such as Hammerite. However, please test on hidden spot.
Will the wipes remove paint and stains from clothes or bare wood?
No. If the stain is soaked into the fibres of the clothes or wood, the wipes cannot help. They are designed to work on hands and non-absorbent surfaces and tools.
Will the wipes remove dried sealants?
No. However, they are very good at cleaning up old silicone that has become dirty, which can save it having to be replaced.
Will the wipes work even after I open the seal?
Yes. The wipes retain their effectiveness for up to a year after they are opened.
Do Big Wipes have liquid in the tub?
Big Wipes have years of experience in labs and in the field of balancing the liquid ratio to make sure the wipe is just wet enough to thoroughly clean, yet not so wet to drip. You can use any excess liquid to soak and clean even the toughest dirt stain.
Do Big Wipes dry out fast?
Big Wipes are very efficient for your work process but please be mindful to shut the lid completely after use and store at room temperature. The formula is not alcohol based and therefore the liquid doesn’t evaporate quickly and the wipes retain their effectiveness for up to 12 months in the canister after they are opened.